Hit The Bullseye With These Retargeting Ad Strategies

Retargeting campaigns are the ultimate win-win for most advertisers. It converts more and costs less. That’s the beauty of retargeting. You can reach out to customers you already have a relationship with and try to get them to re-engage with your brand.
It is absolutely important to convert new prospects because you need new customers to keep sales flowing. But still, it is as important to nurture current customer relationships – it is both cheaper and easier since you already have established a line of trust.

Here are 7 Strategies you can try:
“Slow and Steady”
When trying to impress someone, remember: slow and steady often wins the race (and the customer!).
Begin with a light move meant for the introduction. Some may respond but many won’t – that’s ok. Then, run a retargeting campaign meant to entice them by offering discounts or freebies.
“Dangling the Prize”
If customers view different products, then they are strongly interested to purchase. After all, it is very uncommon to have a user end up on a product page if they’re not interested in the product itself.
By using dynamic ads and custom audiences, you dangle that product in front of their eyes by dropping an ad. Include leads who already created a cart. This is a great way to keep you at the forefront of their mind or might even steal a sale from your competition in the process.
“I Can’t Get Over You”
In the business world, it’s not odd to follow up after a few months. Retargeting campaigns exist to be the bridge that connects your brand to potential customers who are interested but did not pursue a purchase.
A “We miss you!” headline combined with a tempting offer is good enough to bring disengaged leads back as converted customers.
“If It Ain’t Broke Don’t Fix It”
It is possible to have a retargeting campaign with no due date. Large brands call it an evergreen campaign because it runs continuously as long as it is profitable with good metrics. You may also see an auto-generated template that is not updated because it feels natural and personalized to viewers. In simple words, if you find that it works, then there is no point in changing it. But that doesn’t mean you stop monitoring its progress. Be ready to fix it when it starts to break.
Do you think you can do these strategies? If not, here's a couple more that you can try...
“Uh, Did You Forget Something?”
A “view cart” option is an easy custom audience you can set up. It is important to have this option because a lot of times, customers added items to their cart but somehow left without purchasing it. There may be several reasons why. A user forgot about it. Some wanted to price out and some wanted to check the full cost before purchasing. In other words, abandoned cart shoppers are high-intent potential customers. So you better act quickly if you don’t want to lose your potentials permanently. You can offer an introductory discount or a free shipping voucher to convince them to move forward with the purchase.
“Achievement Unlocked”
Business is a dynamic area where you lose if you can’t keep up. Updates are always emerging and customers will always choose what works best according to their convenience. At the moment, a lot of businesses are investing in creating their own mobile apps. You could consider doing this since most customers are on their mobile phone when browsing. You can customize the App to do everything from offer value to provide an easier shopping experience to your customers.
“Perfect Timing”
There are times when a single follow up ad isn’t enough. Some leads need to see multiple ads before gaining enough exposure to be converted as customers. If you believe that this is the case, then it’s time to use sequencing ads.
First, choose your audience and decide what windows work for you. Then, set up a series of ads with individual time frames and order as to how they appear.
The sequence prioritizes high-value sales but doesn’t do so at the risk of isolating other potential revenue.
Retargeting ad campaigns can yield higher ad engagement, brand awareness, and conversions at a lower cost. It is a great opportunity that brands should spend more time with rather than trying to impress sold audiences with a new ad.