Three Ways To Leverage Social Media Psychology

You must know what is going through your audience's mind in order to be a successful digital marketer. Facebook uses the power of user psychology and experience design, creating a social media powerhouse. We are going to take a look at how Facebook uses consumer psychology and how you can use it to your advantage. Here are three ways to leverage social media psychology.

Promote Happiness
This is all about emotional contagion. A huge study on social media psychology showed that emotions can spread online as they would in person. This opens up a huge window for you to find your voice and set your tone.
How do you use this to your advantage? Don't be boring. If you're spreading emotional contagion, make sure the emotion is happiness. Use a friendly and fun tone, ask users questions for engagement. Want to go another route? Include powerful, motivational sayings. Create a sense of urgency and include call-to-action buttons for a more bold approach. Whatever you choose to do, leave users feeling better than before they saw your post or ad.
The Star Of The Show
Next, make the user the star of the show. With your posts and ads, it is all about them. A Harvard study proved that the pleasure people received from talking about themselves is actually greater than the pleasure from money or food. In conversation, people spend 60% of the time talking about themselves and it jumps up to 80% on social media.
How do you use this to your advantage? Simple enough, talk about them. Include words such as "you" and "your", shying away from "us" and "our". Keep their wants and needs in mind in your copy. In addition, keep the content relatable to them. Selling a cleaning product? Show the everyday life of a mom with messy kids. Something where your audience is going to say "YES, I live that every day." This is depending on your demographic, of course.
The Bandwagon Effect
This is a big one. That being said, we have an entire article on it here. The Bandwagon Effect is a phenomenon where people will do something just because others are doing it. They will actually change how they would normally think about something just because of the influence of others.
How do you use this to your advantage? Display customer reviews and testimonials, publish real-time shopping behavior, show them statistics, and increase engagement on your posts.
In A Nutshell
Utilizing social media psychology and understanding what triggers pleasure in your audience's brain will increase engagement, click-through, and sales. Spark happiness, make it about the customer and promote engagement.
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