How to Boost Your eCommerce Store COVID-19 Immunity

This year started out promising. Many eCommerce businesses were gearing up for a record-breaking year in terms of revenue.
No one saw a pandemic coming. But come it did. COVID-19 has hit businesses all over the world really hard.
This second quarter of 2020 remains uncertain, though there are theories popping up now and then about how or when this pandemic will end.
Branded stores and dropshipping businesses are on the receiving end of logistics and transportation issues caused by the coronavirus obstacle.
It’s been more than a month since some countries enforced quarantines and lockdowns, and patterns are changing once again. In fact, there has been a notable increase in online shopping.
This can be attributed to the work-from-home lifestyle, which most companies have enforced due to the directives to stay home. Along with the change in working conditions, consumer behavior has also changed.
While there is a surge in demand for essential products, there is a noticeable decline when it comes to purchasing other product types. For example, 15% of consumers have admitted to delaying luxury item shopping, and 40% said they will continue to do so as long as the pandemic is uncontrollable.
5 Pointers for Updating Your Campaigns During the COVID-19 Pandemic
These statistics pose a problem for eCommerce businesses. How do you maintain your position in the marketplace in this situation?
1. Communicate with your customers.
It’s not the best time to hard-sell anything, but it’s a good time to build your relationships with your customers.
Talk to them like you would to an old friend, and give them updates on what’s going on. If you’re having a hard time operating, tell them. If you can still deliver to selected areas, don’t hold this information back!
The important thing is to communicate your eCommerce store COVID-19 response. Holding off on sending a campaign will make it seem like you don’t care about what’s happening.
2. Be compassionate.
When you write the copy for your emails, take a softer tone and show your compassionate side. Review any email campaigns you have scheduled for the future and cancel any that seem inappropriate.
These include contests, vacation-related sales, and anything with humorous content. It’s not the best time for campaigns like these, because your customers might not be in the best situation of their lives. You don’t want to seem insensitive.
3. Share what you’re doing related to the pandemic.
Don’t be afraid to give updates on the efforts you’re doing. Tell your customers about how you’re handling the local quarantine policies. Share the practices you’ve implemented to ensure successful deliveries without sacrificing health and safety.
You can also use this opportunity to give your customers a heads up on possible delays in fulfilment and communication.
4. Share your initiatives.
If you have any content that will help raise awareness of the effects of the coronavirus, don’t hold back!
And if your products can help people in need during these times, put a hefty discount or give them away as freebies.
5. Don’t be an opportunist.
Some real talk right here. Yes, your customers are most likely online, and there will be businesses that will take advantage of any situation.
Don’t be that kind of business. Show your customers that you’re not just after a quick buck. Show them you actually care about their well-being. Your efforts will pay off in the long run.
3 Effective eCommerce Store COVID-19 Email Campaigns
1. Nuun
Check out Nuun’s email campaign. Nuun sells hydration products, so they decided to highlight more than just the benefits of what they’re offering.

Nunn shared that they will be sending out free care packages to health professionals all over the US. By doing this, they are showing their compassion during this crisis as well as contributing to helping the front-liners.
2. Draper James
Fashion brand Draper James went with the direct communication approach for their eCommerce store COVID-19 message.
Reese Witherspoon, the founder, personally wrote a message to her customers.

In her message, she shares her concerns about the ongoing pandemic. She also shares how much the brand cares about their customers.

If you notice, she also mentioned her new collection, but she still managed to be sensitive and show compassion.
She asked her customers first if it was okay to share some already created content about these new products. This made the message sound real and genuine.
3. Host
This is a really awesome example of how to spread positivity amidst the global health crisis.

Host, a manpower agency specializing in outsourcing bartenders, shared a quick recipe for making your very own Baby Yoda Margarita.

It’s a surefire way to lighten the mood of people who are not having the best experience being quarantined.
3 Must-Try eCommerce Store COVID-19 Email Marketing Strategies
So here’s what you need to do to make sure your eCommerce business still runs smoothly during these trying times.
1. Update Your Segments
This global situation has caused some changes in customer behavior, both online and offline. This means that your existing segments may no longer be applicable. You have to make sure that your campaign updates are relevant to your segments.
One example is how lockdown procedures vary from region to region. Spain still allows residents to travel outside their homes if they need to buy essential needs or visit health professionals. Meanwhile, in Jordan, it is banned to travel outside their homes unless it is for work authorized by their Prime Minister.
So what should you do? Update your content, or segment according to location. The key is to stay relevant by being updated on what’s going on with your customers.
2. Review Your Scheduled Campaigns
Do a quick check on any campaigns you’ve already scheduled for the future. Some of them may no longer be applicable, and some may even be inappropriate.
You can either edit or remove any of these campaigns accordingly. It’s important to stay on the good side of your customers during this pandemic.
3. Revisit and Optimize Your Flows
Yes, these flows are running in the background. Unlike your content plans, you don’t need to check up on them regularly. However, these flows are very crucial to your business.
Transactional emails, for example, generate more opens and clicks than any other email. Optimize these so that they are consistent with what’s going on due to COVID-19.
For example, you can update your cart recovery flows to include a simple notice on possible shipping delays.
Optimizing your eCommerce email marketing strategy to be crisis-sensitive will show your customers that you’re not just after making money. Showing sensitivity and compassion during trying times like these goes a long way. Doing so will strengthen your relationship with your customers.
Make the most of the current situation and don’t allow it to halt your business. With the right tweaks to your email marketing strategy, your store can stand tall amidst the COVID-19 hurdles.
If you need a clear-cut direction on this, talk to an email marketing expert. The right recommendations can ease your burden so you can start boosting your store’s immunity.