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Facebook's Organic Reach Reporting

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organic reach
organic reach

Have you noticed a drop in your organic reach numbers?

Stay calm, this drop isn't worth worrying about. In fact, it is to be expected.

In this article, we will fill you in on all the details of the organic reach changes that have occurred over the last year and what they mean to you.

Facebook is constantly making changes to its algorithm, which is reflected in your posts' organic reach.

Reach counts will now be based on viewable impressions. On pages, we’ve historically defined reach as a person refreshing their News Feed and the post being placed in their feed. For paid ad reports, we’ve moved to a stricter definition that only counts reach once the post enters the person’s screen ('viewable impressions').


Organic Reach Updates Make Sense

This is already the way that paid reach has been recorded for ad reporting. So it makes sense that this is how your organic reach is reported as well.

Over the last year or so, you should've seen a drop in your organic reach numbers. But the number of people who interact and see your content should not change. Facebook has implemented some features to make the change smoother and easier to navigate as an advertiser.

We still think it is very important to focus on your organic posts. Organic and paid reach complement each another to improve your posts.

You need to post organically on your page at least three to five times per week. As a result, your page’s relevance score will improve, which will help your ads in return.

On the other hand, having paid reach will increase the traffic to your page. This additional traffic will lead to users seeing your organic posts and will increase the interaction on them as well.

Organic Reach Page Insights

Make sure you have a clear understanding of your Page Insights. You may have noticed the page insights on the mobile app have been redesigned. Now the insights show the most important information at the top of the mobile app. These categories include:

  • General metrics (likes, reach, and engagement)
  • Results of actions recently taken on posts
  • Preview of new Page engagement (demographic information of new followers)

Be Aware

As you probably know, there are some gray areas of what Facebook counts as organic reach.  Such as, how long does the post have to be in view?

With some metrics, you have to take Facebook’s word for it.

But don't get lost in the weeds. Focus on metrics like comments, shares, clicks, and conversions!

Facebook gives advertisers access to more pronounced data that you can use to help your ad performance.

Now You Know!

So, what have we learned?

In a nutshell, things change, and we have no control over them.

It's like when you get dumped by your high school girlfriend and she says, "it’s me, not you." Facebook makes changes, organic numbers drop and we keep you in the loop. Expect change, stay in the know, and don’t make a big deal over spilled milk.

Produce engaging, high-quality content and your organic reach will be just fine!

Well, have you seen a drop in your organic reach numbers? Comment below and tell us your thoughts on tracking organic reach.

Happy Hunting!

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About Tim Burd

Tim Burd is a public speaker, consultant, and serial entrepreneur who’s been called the “Godfather of Facebook Advertising” for his many years of supporting and empowering digital marketers.

Tim’s Facebook Ad Buyers Group is the largest community of online advertisers in the world. He is the co-founder of AdLeaks, an exclusive subscription-based community, and resource for digital marketing and business growth.

In addition to hosting Mastermind workshops and events, Tim has been featured on publications and platforms ranging from Forbes and Bloomberg to Buzzfeed and Bravo.

Tim Burd lives in Newport Beach, California, and works with clients worldwide as a high-end advertising consultant and business development expert.
